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Cryptocat Pixlr FFFFOUND! code2flow MyScriptFont Imgrush CodingGround HaveIBeenPwned Deslide
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- Friends with sites: MJ Lee, Borami Kang, Jimmified, Vingu, Jun Lee, Shiraz Ramji, Youngmo, Patrick, 별아저씨, Daeyun
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- Mathematica Kernel Help Notebooks
Some frequently used Mathematica expressions
ClearAll["Global`*"]; Clear[Derivative]; Remove["Global`*"]; $Line := 0; Quit[];
$Assumptions, \[Element], Pi, \[Pi], \[CapitalPi], OverTilde[x], Subscript[x,0], Superscript[x,y], Power[x,y], FractionBox[a,b], N[Pi, 50]
Element[a,Reals], NotElement[a,Reals], Integers, Primes, Rationals, Algebraics, Booleans
FindRoot[x^2 + 0.5^2 == 2.0, {x, 0.1}, WorkingPrecision -> 50], Column[SetPrecision[Table[x^(1/2), {x, -1, 1, 0.1}], 20]]
- HTML character entities table - One Two Three Unicode Charts Wikipedia help
Some frequently used symbols (see also CopyPasteCharacter EmojiTable)
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Chess is fun (Jon Edwards), Little ChessPartner by Lokasoft
Illini 태권도, HMD Academy
International Music Score Library Project, Choral Public Domain Library, Project Gutenberg, Christian Classics Ethereal Library, Lit2Go,
MIT Classics Archive, Perseus Digital Library,
Online Library of Liberty, Wikisource (en ko), Chinese Text Project, East Asia Digital Library, LibriVox (forums), 수원시 전자도서관, 울주통합도서관-전자책
bgmstore, KBS 1FM (musicall 선곡표), Goodreads librarian manual, Lifehacker
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Newsmap, Slashdot, reddit (worldnews, UIUC), 백괴사전, KLDP, My Twitter News List, 시선집중 (방송내용 인터뷰), Newsmap (US Canada UK), 윤석열미터, 문재인미터
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- US News Aggregators: The Huffington Post; Drudge Report
- UK Newspapers: The Guardian, The Independent; The Times, The Daily Telegraph
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- German Newspapers: Die Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Bild
- French Newspapers: L'Humanité, Libération, Le Monde, La Croix, Charlie Hebdo; Le Parisien, Le Canard enchaîné; Ouest-France, L'Express, Le Figaro
- Brazilian Newspapers: Folha de S. Paulo; Estado de Minas, Correio Braziliense; O Estado de S. Paulo, O Globo
- Chinese Newspapers: 南方周末; China Daily; 参考消息, 光明日报,
- Taiwanese Newspapers: 台灣時報, 自由時報, The China Post; 中國時報, 聯合報